1. How often do I need to have my piano tuned?

A: Ideally, every six months is best. Many elect an annual tuning. Many factors influence how your piano reacts to the surrounding environment and consequently the tuning stability. Climate, how much the piano is played, age and design of the piano are a few important things.

2. My piano isn’t played that often. Can’t I wait until it starts sounding bad?

A: Think of your piano like a car. Even if your car isn’t driven that often, you still need to change the oil and have a tune up at regular intervals. Failing to keep up the maintenance on a regular schedule will result in more work and higher costs in the long run. The old commercial “pay me now or pay me (more) later” rings true. In addition, a regular inspection of the piano may reveal problems before they become really big ones. Your piano is a precision machine that makes awesome music. Keep it in top form!!